In what has become a regular feature in online gaming periodicals, a new story is making the rounds about another retro game selling for an outlandish price. This latest game? A rare version of The Hyrule Fantasy, the Japanese version of The Legend of Zelda, which sold for 453,000 yen (approximately $3,966 USD).

This particular game disk is marked by a limited-run label containing the logo for Charumera, a ramen company located in Japan that was celebrating its twentieth anniversary. To honor Charumera, Nintendo collaborated for a co-promotion of the legendary game, allowing for 1,500 special copies to be awarded via a 1986 lottery. As reported by Dustin Hubbard of Gaming Alexandria, a Famicom and Famicom Disk System were also given away in the drawing.


Side by side comparison of the original and ramen versions of the Famicom Zelda disk.

Left: standard version of The Hyrule Fantasy Famicom game disk. Right: Charumera version of The Hyrule Fantasy Famicom game disk. Image: Nintendo / MobyGames / Gaming Alexandria / Kotaku

Game preservationists and collectors alike have become increasingly concerned with tracking down rare copies of games such as this. As a result, these collectibles have sold for some eye-popping prices. Still, many gamers have grown tired of such headlines, suggesting the shock over the price of games reflects society’s lack of regard for gaming as an art form, perhaps viewing it as less than other collectibles that fetch high prices.

Tell us what you think! Did you know about the Charumera ramen version of The Hyrule Fantasy? Does the price seem fair to you? Share your reactions in the comments below!

Source: Jironosuke (via Tom James), Gaming Alexandria

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