Ocarina of Time. The name brings up a lot of memories for almost every gamer out there. With such an emmersive world and deep character driven story line, who wouldn’t want to share their experiences playing the game with the people they love? Game Informer has done just that with a video they made creating a bedtime story out of Ocarina of Time.

If you’re curious on how you could fit everything that happened in Ocarina of Time into a single bedtime story then make the jump, watch the video, and find out for yourself.

Imagine your parents telling you a bedtime story almost every night to fall asleep for years and years and when you’re finally old enough, they break the news to you. “You know the bedtime story we have been telling you? Well its not just a story. Its a video game that I used to play and now that you’re old enough, you can experience it for yourself.” Personally, I would have loved this, but what are your thoughts on the game being used as a bedtime story.

Source: Game Informer

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