The day has finally come, Ocarina of Time 3D is currently for sale in retail stores all across Japan. Furthermore, some folks in Europe who pre-ordered the game online got their copies in the mail today. For the rest of Europe, Ocarina of Time 3D will be in stores tomorrow and it will hit shelves on Sunday here in the United States.

With the release in Europe and America so imminent a number of reviews are flocking in. My copy of Game Informer magazine came in the mail the other day and the game scored a 9.25. You can see a full scan of the review after the jump. Additionally, we’ve now got reviews from N-Europe, Eurogamer, Meristation, CVG, Cubed3, and 3D Juegos, and they gave the game a 10, 10, 9.5, 9.4, 9.0, and 8.9 respectively. This brings us to 15 total reviews thus far and the game has an average score of a 9.53. You can see links to all the reviews and scores after the jump.

N-Europe: 10
Eurogamer: 10
Pocket Gamer UK: 10 10
Nintendo Life: 10
Official Nintendo Magazine: 9.8
Meristation: 9.5
Nintendo Power: 9.5
CVG: 9.4
German GamePro: 9.3
German M!Gamse: 9.3
Game Informer: 9.25
Game Kult: 9.0
Cubed3: 9.0
3D Juegos: 8.9

Related: Ocarina of Time 3D Walkthrough