Today is the one-year anniversary of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, which released May 12th, 2023. That’s one full year of exploring the highs and lows of the series’ latest masterpiece, and of course, Nintendo couldn’t let that go by without marking the occasion. In celebration, they’ve unveiled a stunning new piece of official art, which depicts Link grasping Zelda’s hand as they fall through the sky. To fans’ delight, the artwork is available to download from Nintendo’s website in smartphone wallpaper format.

The artwork stays true to the current style dedicated to the game, and parallels the same official art that was posted on this day last year — a beautiful impression of Link reaching for Zelda as she fell towards the Depths in the beginning of Tears of the Kingdom. Some might say there’s a symbolism in how these pieces have been released, much like coming full circle in an adventure. So, for good reason, Nintendo have also made two previously released official art pieces available to download alongside the newest item.

What do you think of the latest Tears of the Kingdom official artwork? Will you use it as your smartphone wallpaper? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Nintendo

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