Hywar-mainThe official Japanese Hyrule Warriors Twitter has teased that a new playable character will be revealed this week. It claims that the Japanese Famitsu magazine will be the place to look for the reveal and, in its wording, drops some hints as to who the character is.

Check out the tweet after the jump!

Here is the original tweet:

Here is a rough translation of it:


To anyone who has played Skyward Sword, the usage of percent probabilities of obvious facts and recommendations for simple tasks will likely tweak some tempers, as Fi, the spirit of the Master Sword, stopped players mid-adventure to state just that dozens of times over. It is highly likely that the use of these phrases is hinting that Fi is the new character. If this is the case, it should be interesting to see what kind of attacks Fi pulls off, since she never actually attacked on her own throughout Skyward Sword.

Is Fi a welcome addition to the battlefield? Is this tweet even referencing her, or could it be someone else? Drop a comment below!

Source: Twitter

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