There’s a common thread that bonds many of the Zelda games together in some way. No, I’m not talking about the Triforce or the Curse of Demise, but instead the power of music, the way that a few simple notes from an ocarina can impact the lives of those who listen to it (or play it on their controller to get a bit meta with it).

A powerful new video from YouTuber RwanLink gives us a look at what that sort of moment would be like between Young Link and Kass. Young Link, famously from Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask, carries the Ocarina of Time with him and has an arsenal of tunes in his memory bank. Kass, a Rito from Breath of the Wild, can be heard in a number of locations playing his accordion and offering the Hero of the Wild clues about Shrines and the Champions.

In the video, Link is sitting on a fallen tree amid a cluster of floating islands, playing “Saria’s Song” when Kass approaches him. After introductions are made, the duo begin playing their instruments, before Kass takes off around the beautiful setting with Link riding his back. The two bond and part as friends.

The video is short, but truly impactful. The notes of “Saria’s Song”, while upbeat and cheerful, to me tell the story of Link longing for his friend and home. Kass, hearing the song, offers a chance too cheer the boy up and does so through music and magic. I’m reminded of the Happy Mask Salesman’s parting words to Link in Majora’s Mask and imagine the moment in this video would have taken place after that adventure but before the Hero of Time made it back to Hyrule.

Obviously, I loved the video, but what about you? Were you swept up in the magic of exploring this land of floating islands as Kass soared around? Or were you enthralled by the music that set the whimsical and enchanting mood? Let us know in the comments below or over in our Discord!

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