Monday Comic Corner – North Goal

North GoalAh, compases. Such great technology- allows us to find all of the treasure chests in the dungeon. Applicable to our lives, and used heavily by all of the great adventurers. Finding the New World was really a matter of finding treasure. In fact, as players of Zelda games, aren’t we adventurers too? Of course we are! So grab the nearest compass, find the jump, and hit it to read the treasure inside!



Through dark caves, in treacherous mountain passes, across rickety bridges, and through mysterious forests, treasure awaits! At least the treasure of the cold north. Snow in abundance, and chilly air for all who dare to traverse the lands in search of treasure!

If Link waits a few hundred thousand years, he could even use the same compass to find the treasure of the cold south! And by then, he’ll have attained the greatest treasures of all: patience and disappointment.

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Source: Awkward Zombie

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