Despite the incredible success of more recent Zelda games, A Link To The Past remains one of the most revered video games of all time. A Link To The Past‘s development team was able to innovate or iterate on nearly every aspect of the game series including world design, puzzle design, enemy design, and sound design. The musical themes from the SNES classic have found their way into nearly every subsequent Zelda game in some form or another.

One of the most important songs from Nintendo Sound Director Koji Kondo’s immense soundtrack is the Dark World theme. This thrilling theme plays a key role in establishing the Dark World as a dangerous place. The Dark World is a mysterious, wild place for the player to explore and battle in. Once heard, the catchy tune will stick in your head long after the player has turned off the game.

This electronic cover by GLASYS, recently showcased by popular game remix site OverClocked ReMix, is an intriguing and exciting rendition of the classic. The cover opens with a haunting, lonely piano, reminding the listener of the solitary nature of Link’s journey. After this quiet piano opening, the song morphs into a more traditional chillstep cover. The synthesized sounds are perfect for the song, paying homage to the sounds of the SNES era, but not held back by the limitations of that early 90’s period.

While we did cover this arrangement a few months ago when GLASYS originally released it on his personal YouTube channel, we wanted to highlight it again as it is now an official selection on OverClocked ReMix. To be featured on OC ReMix is an immense honor, so we’re definitely happy to share in the excitement. This arrangement marks GLASYS’ debut on OC ReMix, and we’re sure we’ll see more of his work on the website in the future.

What do you think of this cover of the Dark World theme? Let us know in the comments below!

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