Casper, known on youtube as CSGuitar89 has released his full length Zelda tribute album, Hymns Of Light And Shadows. His intentions with this album was to have a full length album that lasted atleast an hour. He successfully met his goal when he finally released it with a full track list of 18 songs ranging from many different Zelda games and even gave the fans a chance to come up with their own title and cover for the album.

Since the release of the album, Casper has been releasing one video a week for each song on the album. Last weeks video was the Hyrule Market Theme and next weeks will be Outset Island. This week however, the featured video is a very relaxing cover of Aryll’s Theme. Check out the video after the jump to listen to it for yourself.

This is just another amazing cover, but is a little different than his usual style. I find this to be just a nice relaxing song to listen to and bring back great memories as well as to just get my mind off of things. The entire album is filled with songs from many different genres ranging from a calm acoustic Lon Lon Ranch to a fast paced metal version of Goron city. If your not in the mood for Zelda songs than you can check out his other videos. He has video covers of many different Nintendo classics as well as a few odd covers with tabs and download links for each track.

Source: Casper’s Youtube
Source: Official Website

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