10854810_817899784943197_8807038868379933050_oIt might not keep away Stalchildren, or let you travel faster than you usually do, but it will certainly look amazing. The wooden artisans over at ‘The Wolf of Bees Workshop’ have faithfully re-created the extremely useful Bunny Hood from Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask, giving it a modern looking swagger with a tasty wooden aesthetic. Make the jump (or should I say hop) to check out some pictures of this beautiful piece!



As you can see from the above pictures, ‘The Wolf of Bees‘ have created a fantastic piece! The hood is nicely in scale, fitting comfortably onto your head. Whether or not it stays on for very long is a different story. But I think even Bunnio from Spirit Tracks would be happy with this!

What other items/masks from the Zelda series would you like to see in a wooden form similar to this?  Are you a fan of the Bunny Hood? Join in the discussion below!

Source: The Wolf of Bees Workshop (Imgur)