zlamp The best video game franchises always have the best fans– and therefore the best fan made games. We’ve seen many a fan made Zelda game strewn across the internet; some are altered versions of cannon games, and others are total originals. Whatever the case, most are memorable and unique adventures. Youtube personality, ConnerTheWaffle recently published a video in which he discusses his Top 5 fan made Zelda games, citing some for being an interesting new perspective of a classic game and others for being downright ridiculous.

See if your favorite made the cut, after the jump!

I don’t play fan games all that much, so it’s cool to see some of the lesser known ones. Playing as Zelda is always a treat, so I’m into Shin Zelda Densetsu. First person games give me migraines so I’m afraid the Zelda II alteration wouldn’t be a fun option for me. But the last game, The Legend of Princess, reminds me a lot of an app called “Spell Sword” from some years ago that I absolutely loved, so I may have to give that one a try.

This being my first experience watching a ConnerTheWaffle video, I was impressed and will likely subscribe to his channel, if you liked this video you can do the same. But if you need to see a bit more first, he has two other videos on Zelda, not to mention video game theory, analysis, and Top 10 videos. You can also support him on Patreon, or follow him on Twitter or Facebook.

What did you think of this Top 5 list? Did any of your favorites make it? Did any get snubbed? Let us know in the comments!

Source: YouTube

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