As many of you know, the official English translation of the Hyrule Historia will be released by Dark Horse Comics in just a few short days. With the book’s release so close, Dark Horse hosted a special event at the Nintendo World Store in New York at which early copies of the book could be obtained.

Gaming website Kotaku was among the people to receive their collector’s edition early, and have elected to share it with the internet! Jump inside to see their video of the book!

I loved this little preview of Hyrule Historia and it has me really excited for the book’s release to the public. I especially loved the way they didn’t bother with having someone talk through the video and simply opted for shots of the book accompanied by the wonderful 25th Anniversary Main Theme medley.

If you’d like to see more, head over to Kotaku to check out their thoughts on the book as well as scans of a few pages. Also, don’t forget to tell us your thoughts about the book and video in the comments!

Source: Kotaku

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