A new mod from YouTube content creator Junior replaces Sora from Kingdom Hearts 3 with Link from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Link uses Sora’s Keyblade as he squares off against Mario in a replica of Peach’s Castle from Super Mario 64. The fight is in three dimensions and appears to draw inspiration from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Junior does caution fans of the mod from expecting too much, explaining “This is not a professional channel in any way shape or form so expect to see things [laid] out a lot different from other channels. It’s just a teenager having fun modding videogames and making friends. (And doing a little trolling)” Junior says he “makes mods, 3D art, and plays video games here and there. I’m also a big fan of anime.” Perhaps there’s room for “makes incredible Zelda mods” in future introductions.

For more content form Junior, click here.

Tell us what you think! Did you enjoy this mod from Junior? What other big franchises would you like to see mashed up? Share your reactions in the comments below.

Source: Junior (via comicbook.com)

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