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Volume Three: Brave Pilgrim


I am not afraid. I look around me and see these trees are not the trees of my home; they twist and smile. They look mean. The winds echo with laughter, and the fog obscures my way. I know beyond the canopy, the midday sun shines high in the sky, yet within these woods, everything even feels so very dark. But I am not afraid.

And I will keep telling myself this until I’ve reached the end of this path…wherever that is. I will do this all by myself, and I will prove that I am brave. I am strong. My mother wanted to come with me. She wanted to send my sister behind me.

“This trial was made for the hero,” she said. “It is dangerous. We always go together.” 

But I don’t need anyone with me to complete it myself. I can walk through it alone.

I can do this.

I can do this…

One step. Then another. Then another. Ok, I am farther into the woods now, and if I take one more step, the fog will hide my home from me. No going back.

Go, go, Oaki! This way! I can do this! I am not afraid!

This isn’t so bad. If I don’t listen to the howling winds or look into the tree’s grins, then my feet carry me forward on the trial’s path without hesitation. I will make it in no – what was that?

I thought I heard something in the trees. An…animal? Maybe a bird?

Yeah. A bird. It’s just a bird that made that twig-snapping sound. A big bird; nothing to worry about. I can keep going. Keep going, Oaki! Everything is A-OK!

With every footstep, I feel like I can recall more and more on my own. My mother is always the one who leads the way, and I have always been close behind. She points things out to me as we pass – certain really strange trees or little patches of grass or even fallen trunks and rocks. All I have to do is find those things, and I will be just fine. In fact, the more I focus on finding them, the quieter the winds get.

See, Mom, I told you I could do this alone! I’m going to make her so proud!

Wait…I think…

Yes! That trunk with the little knot right above my head! When I first came here, I had tried to touch the knot, but I was too short. Now, I can stretch on the tips of my feet and my hand brushes its underside. I remember this tree! Which means, I am going the right way!

And there is the little sapling in the middle of the bigger trees. I used to try and hide behind it, then jump out and scare Mom. She used to jump and scream, but now that I am older, I think she may have been faking it to make me happy.

“Got you!” I’d laugh, arms waving in the air, and she’d pick me up and set me down beside her with a smile on her face.

Pass this sapling and keep going.

Why do I keep feeling like she’s behind me now? I want to do this alone, and I know she was worried, but she finally told me I could try all by myself! So why do I feel like I am being followed?

Past the tree with the broken stump…

Ahh! What was that?! Is it the bird again?Is it my mom?

Ok, Oaki. Just wait for a second and listen. If it is Mom, she’ll tell me. I know she will. She’ll come out from behind the tree and pick me up…

Nothing. Keep going. I can do this. I am not afraid.

Just a little bit ahead should be the flowers. They’re just so pretty and blue. And they glow! Left from here, and I am halfway to the end! Forward, march!

There’s the hollow log. Mom and I used to race through here, and either I have always been really fast, or she let me win. I used to let my feet fly so fast, by the end of it, they would ache, and she would have to carry me the rest of the way from here. Sometimes, it felt like the winds were laughing at me, sometimes, it felt like they were cheering me on.

Now, though, they have quieted, and the air is still. Like the trees wait with bated breath for me to complete the hero’s quest. Just a little farther, trees. Just a little farther, Oaki.

There’s that sound again! The big bird? Mom? Someone? Is…is someone there? Turning around and looking behind me showed me nothing. A few steps back, nothing again, but I know something is behind me. I can feel it.

Is it the danger that Mom worried so much about?

Don’t think about it. Remember what you said at the beginning: I am not afraid. I am not afraid. I will complete this, and I will be brave.

AHH! A ghost! Go, go, go, go! Run back to the hollow log! It won’t find you in there! My legs feel like they did when I would race my mother, but she is not here this time to carry me! Why did I think I could do this alone? I’m not the hero! I am still small! I want my mom!

Oh. It was just a shadow.

I feel silly: that was certainly not brave. Come on, Oaki! Keep going! This isn’t so bad! Through the tall grasses and big trees with sharp teeth. Oh, the wind is laughing again. Why is the wind laughing again? I don’t like it. The wind is scary.

Past more glowing flowers.

That’s not the wind! It’s a wolf! Oh, go, Oaki! There have never been wolves on this path before! Oh, please don’t see me, Mr. Wolf! I am not a toy, and I mean no harm! I am alone, and I am small! Help me, Mr. Hero! Send me your strength as I complete your quest!

I ran. I ran, and I think I stayed on the right path, but I am not sure. The wolf is behind me now; I heard it shriek and run away. I think it found the big bird that keeps crunching leaves and sticks behind me. Thank you, Big Bird! Thank you, Mr. Hero!

I can tiptoe back a bit and see…

Please be gone…

Yes, it is gone. And I am almost there! Through the broad-leaf bushes that I used to hide in and…

Aha! The bright orange light swirling and twisting in the consuming fog! That strange stone worn smooth with time! There’s the shrine! I did it! I made it all the way through the hero’s path all by myself! Mom will be so proud of her brave boy! 

And I was not afraid!


Featured image: “Korok Forest – Legend of Zelda Tribute,” by Ori Rycus.

Kat Vadam is a Senior Editor for Zelda Dungeon. It took her three tries to complete The Lost Pilgrimage side quest; either Link isn’t very sneaky, or Oaki has perfect hearing. Follow Kat on Instagram!

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