[news post contributed by Christian Z.]

GameInformer has written an article showing us the history of Ganon and how much he has changed. They believe that over time Nintendo has given us more and more insight into one of our favorite villains.

Since the first Zelda game, Ganon has continued changing in many, many ways. Make the jump to learn how!

When playing the first game most of what you would know about this villain is he is keeping Princess Zelda up in Death Mountain. Ganon in the first game is basically a pig monster but over the series he turns more into a man and finally a man that was created from Demise “the creator of all monsters”.

We see Ganon transform a lot over the games and we also learn more about where he comes from. In A Link to the Past we learn that Ganon was once a man that was the king of thieves and broke into the Sacred Realm to steal the Triforce but was sucked into the realm and transformed into the pig monster we see in the early Zelda games.

In Ocarina of Time we learn that there is Ganondorf. Ganondorf comes from a land called Gerudo Dessert and the tribe consists of women warriors except once every century a man is born and he is king by birth right.

In what other ways have you seen Ganon transform and what information do you think we will learn about Ganon in future games? Leave some comments below!

Source: GameInformer