The official Japanese Website for Ocarina of Time 3D has been updated and there are several short videos now available. Thankfully, a fan over at GoNintendo has compiled all of these short clips into one 5minute long video and you can see it embedded above. Additionally, the same user has embedded all of the various Japanese Ocarina of Time 3D commercials that have released thus far and you can see that 6minute video after the jump.

We’ve seen so many screenshots, so many videos, and have heard all sorts of previews and reviews of the game. It’s getting down to the wire where many fans out there are getting a bit restless. Thankfully, Ocarina of Time 3D is just 17days away for us here in the United States, with a release date of June 19th in the near future. Be sure to stay tuned to Zelda Dungeon for all the latest Ocarina of Time 3D goodies.

Source: Nintendo of Japan
Source: GoNintendo
Related: Ocarina of Time 3D Walkthrough

Sorted Under: Ocarina of Time