An article was posted up on Destructoid talking about the ten most difficult dungeons in the Zelda series. In it the author talks about why these particular ten make the list, one of which happens to be the infamous Water Dungeon from Ocarina of Time. But unlike most others who would put this particular dungeon at the very top of their list he gives it the number nine slot in the listing. Here’s what he had to say about it.

No, you are not reading this list backwards. As much as everyone complains about the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time, it actually isn’t that challenging of a dungeon. Annoying? Oh yeah. Switching your boots and constantly adjusting the water level is unbelievably annoying. But difficult? Not as bad as you may remember.

F*ck that sh*t moment!: Every time I play the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time there is one key that I always miss. You would think that I would learn after all these playthroughs, but, no. Somehow I miss the same key every single time and have to go back and find it. That key is the bane of my existence.

He lists other dungeons in the list and gives the Great Palace from Zelda II the top slot in this listing. Here is what he has to say about it.

This is it. No dungeon in the entire Zelda series is more difficult than the Great Palace in Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. Nothing even comes close. To be honest, all of the dungeons in Zelda II could arguably have found a place on this list. The game is that hard.

But let’s count the reasons this specific dungeon is so damn difficult:

First off, it takes forever to even get to the Great Palace, the game’s final dungeon. Once you finally do reach the palace, you are in for one of the longest, most confusing dungeons in Zelda history. The layout is brutal.

And on top of all that, you have to deal with limited magic, no save points, and a ridiculously tough boss (Thunderbird) followed by a near-impossible one (Dark Link). Oh, and did I mention YOU HAVE LIMITED LIVES IN ZELDA II AND IF YOU LOSE THEM ALL YOU HAVE TO START ALL THE WAY AT THE BEGINNING?! Yeah, so there is that as well.

Eff the Great Palace. EFF IT SO HARD!

F*ck that sh*t moment!: While running across one of many collapsing bridges, you get hit by a floating dragon head and are knocked back into the lava, killing you instantly. Seriously, eff this dungeon.

To see what other dungeons he put into the remaining slots, please click the link here.

I haven’t gotten that far myself in Zelda II to know how difficult that dungeon is, but from what the author wrote about it, I don’t have a doubt that it is indeed hard. As far as the Water Temple goes, I agree with him on that one seeing as I’ve run into the problem of having forgotten that one particular key and spending quite a bit of time trying to find it. There are also a few other dungeons on his listing that I agree are quite difficult. What about you guys? Do you agree with his listing or do you have your own dungeons that you think are difficult? Please let us know in the comments section below and stay tuned for more Zelda news!

Source: Destructoid

Sorted Under: Zelda News