They say not to judge a book by its cover, but it’s no question that a good first impression can go a long way. The title screen of a video game is often the first thing the player sees of the game. It must encapsulate the tone and imagery of the game, and entice the player to press start all at the same time.

Most Zelda games showcase the famed red logo as well as key characters or locations, the camera sweeping along while accompanied by music that captures the main essence of the game. For example, the title screen of The Wind Waker shows Link’s home of Outset Island, zooming in closer as Link comes into view. The music is lively and has a fast beat, reminiscent of the coming adventure and the youth about to embark upon it.

My favorite title screen, however, would have to be the one in Ocarina of Time. Link rides into frame on a galloping horse into Hyrule before stopping at the bank of a river to ride along the edge of it, the camera at last panning across Hyrule field to the entrance to Link’s childhood home of Kokiri forest. The music is soft and peaceful, portending the beginning of a compelling tale, as well as Link’s somber obligation to hold up his role as the hero no matter the sacrifices.

What do you think? What title screen is your favorite and why? How does it match the rest of the game? Let us know in the comments below!

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