I know what you’re probably thinking: Link, of course! But brave as that boy is, he is known to take some detours on the way to helping others. The Zelda series has introduced us to many a kind, skilled soul who may be able to lend a hand in an emergency situation. The question becomes, who is the ideal emergency contact? When things go wrong and you need support, who can you count on from our series’ vast cast of characters? Reliability, speed, bedside manner, medical knowledge, and more factor into this consideration for me. 

The first person to come to mind (after Link and Zelda) for some reason was Ashei from Twilight Princess. She has the discipline of a solider with a healthy dose of anti-establishment principles. I think this would make her a loyal, as well as distrustful of any other assistance I might be given. So, she would rush to my side to make sure I was taken care of properly. But, she is not the most sensitive person and I doubt her medical knowledge goes beyond offhand survival tactics like putting together a makeshift tourniquet.

Sticking with Twilight Princess, Ilia is a bit of a foil for Ashei. Ilia is incredibly nurturing, as we see when she sticks by Prince Rali’s side during his healing process in the game. I bet she knows some basic first-aid tricks and would be gentle in helping you through whatever emergency you’re in. But, she likely could not help defend you against danger or even make her way to you given that should would have died in a wagon fire long ago if Link himself had not escorted her across Hyrule Field.

In the same vein as Ashei, Impa from either Ocarina of Time or Skyward Sword would be a great emergency contact. While the one in Ocarina of Time would likely have better bedside manner, they’re both skilled fighters and have proven themselves capable of promptly getting to and aiding Zelda in her times of need. It makes sense Impa is a good fit for this given that she basically was Zelda’s emergency contact.

I wondered if perhaps Fi or Navi would be a good contact, but determined Fi would likely do more harm than good just telling you the prognosis but doing nothing further to help. Navi I figured might be good at sending for help in a situation since she can zip around pretty easily and flag someone down with a good old, “Hey! Listen!” Midna I thought similarly about, being that she was Link’s traveling companion. But I figured that even though she grew throughout the events of Twilight Princess, her attitude might still get in the way of coming to your aid– unless it was clear she was the only person who could help. 

Pipit from Skyward Sword would be a solid option. He is very dutiful and capable, as well as suave enough to get someone through any situation calm, cool, and collected. There must be dozens of other strong candidates for this role who just aren’t popping out to me right now, so I’ll turn to Link and Zelda to top if all off.

Link has got his virtues: brave, great track record of saving people from danger, can get you no matter where you are. But seeing that he doesn’t talk much, he may not be the best in a mundane emergency like picking you up after your car breaks down in the middle of the highway or something of that sort. And there really is something to be said about his oft-bestowed “lazy” or “sleepy” boy title. Perhaps he rises to the occasion when the stakes are the fate of an entire kingdom, but would not be as pressed to leap into action for less. It does depend on which Link, though; Twilight Princess linked seemed keen to lend a hand.

 Zelda herself would be a good person to call. She’s also brave, loyal, can defend you from danger, and would be a pleasant pal to have with you in a crisis. Unfortunately she does have a pattern of being put out of commission for awhile whether that be an evil curse making her sleep, a kidnapping, or just sacrificing herself for the good of her kingdom. This might not bode well for us. We know Link is happy to pursue extracurricular tasks during an adventure, but Zelda can be far more indisposed and maybe would thus be less reliable.

In the end, I think Impa and Pipit crack the top for me and Impa takes the cake. What do you think? Who would your Zelda emergency contact be? Let us know in the comments!

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