With a series villain as repetitive and as iconic as Ganondorf, it’s difficult to pick a favorite, or even a least favorite version of the Gerudo King. Ocarina of Time gave us this character’s fantastic debut with a story that has endured since it’s 1998 release. The Wind Waker gave us the villain’s return, with a more reflective Ganondorf, who was still as crafty and threatening. Twilight Princess showed us just how manipulative and twisted the villain could be, while also providing him with a little more depth. Finally, with the release of Tears of the Kingdom, we have a version of the titular big bad that will stop at nothing to achieve his goal of world domination.

With only four games under his belt, it’s hard to believe that Ganondorf isn’t the most common version of Zelda‘s villain, but to me, that makes his Gerudo-based appearances all the more important. Ganon is but a mindless power-hungry beast, while Ganondorf is an intelligent being with plans far greater than we can imagine. With a villain of his stature, we are meant to fear him in every iteration. But that begs the question, which Ganondorf is the most terrifying?

While it can be argued that Ganondorf as he appears in Ocarina of Time, The Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess are all the same individual, it’s the portrayal of each edition that makes the difference. To me, the top contenders are Twilight Princess and Tears of the Kingdom.

Twilight Princess‘ Ganondorf is twisted and crazy, going to extreme lengths to get what he wants, and possessing beings like Zant who would otherwise be innocent to get his way. Tears of the Kingdom’s Ganondorf however, is terrifying in every for he inhabits. As a Gerudo King, he kills the matriarch of Hyrule in cold blood, and laughs maniacally. In his Demon King form, he attacks every inch of Hyrule, and in his mummified form, he swarms what’s left of post-Calamity Hyrule with Gloom.

What do you think? Which version of Ganondorf scared you the most? Join the conversation in the comments below!

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