It’s Halloween, and that means it’s the perfect excuse to debate the scariest locations in the Zelda universe. Our favorite franchise has some horrifying haunts that I definitely wouldn’t like to be trapped in during the spooky season! But, which place in the Zelda series do you think is the spookiest?

To kick us off, I think the obvious answer is the Bottom of the Well, a location that can be found in both Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask. This creepy underground area is dark, dank and personally, it makes me feel quite hopeless. What’s more, it’s the home of Redeads and perhaps the scariest creature in the series — Dead Hand.

Perhaps the Bottom of the Well is too blatant for the more aloof spooky spectator. Maybe you get your kicks from the more subtle nuances of fright? In that case, I’ll draw your attention to the Twilight Realm from Twilight Princess. Straight away, this place is so eerie! There is such a thick atmosphere of unease and a sense of foreboding. The Twili, in their transformed state, are also extremely unsettling. But the freakiest part of the Twilight Realm has got to be Zant’s Hands. These unrelenting enemies do not let up, causing a build up of panic as they inch ever closer. I don’t think I’d cope well under the pressure of this ever-stalking creature.

Personally, I think the spookiest location in the Zelda universe has got to be the Ancient Cistern’s lower level in Skyward Sword. It’s such a sinister area that really does feel like some sort of underworld. Then there are the zombie-like Cursed Bokoblins which are determined to stop your escape to the light, their groping arms dragging you back to the terrible abyss — it’s the stuff of nightmares!

So, which location in the Zelda series do you think is the spookiest? Do you agree that the hell below Ancient Cistern is the most frightening? Or do you have another place in mind? Let us know in the comments below!

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