I have loved all Links since I was a little girl. They are all brave, loyal, complete beasts on the battlefield; they are also sweet and sensitive (I mean, honestly, have you heard Breath of the Wild Link adorably hum while cooking?). But apart from those boyfriend-material qualities (in my humble opinion), every Link has to go through quite a bit of growth to become the hero destined to take down the great evils that are threatening Hyrule in their time.

Which brings us to the question: Which Link has the best character arc? Of course, every hero brings something special to the table. But one Link’s story in particular always stands out to me: Skyward Sword Link.

His character arc truly blew me away during my first playthrough. In the beginning, he’s noted as lazy, unmotivated, and somewhat annoyingly natural at everything he tries to do. Like Groose, I would also be annoyed at someone who is so good at what they do and who doesn’t even try or care for it; but Link is forced to take things seriously when the person he cares about most in the world is threatened, and he’s flung headfirst into a quest he never wanted.

Through his story arc, Skyward Sword Link is one of the only Links who truly embodies and earns all three virtues of the Triforce, and you can see that change in him as he slowly molds from lazy and naive into the hero he was always meant to be. And his growth is visible. One such example can be seen by taking a look at how he reacts at the beginning of his journey. When he meets Ghirahim (ahem, Lord Ghirahim) for the first time, you can see that Link is especially unnerved, frightened, and even a bit hesitant to engage in battle (but I mean who wouldn’t be a little on edge after meeting that fabulously disturbing villain). By the end of the game, Link has crafted the Master Sword, he’s overcome so much, he is confident in who he is, and he stands face to face against both Ghirahim and Demise, the most dangerous and fearsome beings in the entire universe; he is completely stoic, unflinching, and ready to fight to the death without a second thought (but after facing the Silent Realms, wouldn’t we all be as brave as he is?).

He is freaking epic in my opinion.

But what are your thoughts? What Link is your favorite in the Zelda series? Have you played Skyward Sword HD yet? Because that game might sway your opinion.

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