Zelda fans are a widespread lot; the series has touched so many of us in so many different ways over the years. As a result, when fans decide to create something to express their love for the franchise, they can do so in a plethora of different ways. Some draw truly epic pieces of fanart, others can recreate their favorite tunes into inspiring remixes, and still more routes are available to those in more specialized fields. Beautiful jewelry (like the Songrings we finally gave away this morning), intricate woodwork, amazing pottery… The possibilities are endless, only bounded by the imaginations of the fans.

Which ones are your favorite? What kind of works fascinate you and leave you scouring the web for similar excellence? I myself tend have my fingers in several pies, from fanfics to remixes to even a few fan comics, but my main pursuit is probably fanart. I love how people can take a character or event and display them in different or unique way, with their own styles and takes. I could spend all day just browsing sites like deviantArt looking at piece after piece. But what about you guys?

Artwork from: Zeldanime

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