It’s a good bet that Zelda fans are going to like other adventure and open world style games, but are the qualities you look for in a Zelda game the same qualities you look for in movies, music, vacations, food, and other areas of interest?

I am a Zelda fan who prioritizes narrative. Structure and character development are important to me. They keep my attention, motivate me, and are aspects of a game that I need to feel immersed. This accounts for why I had a hard time connecting with Breath of the Wild, but was deeply moved by Twilight Princess. I noticed recently that this need extends into my other interests. For instance, I can rarely get behind a movie that doesn’t follow a controlled, engaging plot and I prefer music that is more “produced” than improvisational. 

On the other hand, I have a friend who values exploration over story. For him, a lack of constraints and a feeling that “anything can happen” (born from the unpredictability of eccentric, but skillful artistic visions) plays more into immersion than narrative. Lo and behold, he likes films with an unorthodox structure and is often enthralled by the twists-and-turns that a talented jam band performance might take. 

That said, life is about balance, so neither one of us would be happy in a world where there was only ever a focus on sandbox-style freedom or one where art exclusively followed familiar narrative structures. I simply value structure more highly of the two, and the Zelda series tends to beautifully balance a compelling story with a healthy dose of innovation or off-the-beaten path exploration. The attractiveness of this  balance comes through in the way I plan vacations, as well. I tend to come up with a general day-to-day plan but am comfortable straying when the rigidity gets to be too much. And I prefer visiting historical sights over thrill seeking, which reflects how an activity will mean more to me if there is a significant story behind it. 

Do you feel that the qualities you value in your favorite Zelda games are similar to the qualities you seek out in your other interests? What qualities apart from exploration and narrative do you feel this holds true for? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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