Fierce Deity first appeared in Majora’s Mask on the Nintendo 64 in 2000. When Link wears the Fierce Deity mask, he transforms into an adult warrior with tremendous power and strength. The nature of the mask’s power is questionable, as it could be described as being just as dangerous as Majora’s. Once equipped, you can shoot beams from your double helix sword and generally make any boss fight in the game a lot easier!

There have been many theories surrounding the Fierce Deity Mask, including the idea that the spirit of a god is sealed inside it. Some fans believe that the mask represents the feelings and memories of all the people living in Termina. Whatever your opinion on his origins, Fierce Deity was certainly memorable.

Recently, Nintendo has started to reintroduce Fierce Deity into the Zelda series. This includes a move set in Hyrule Warriors and alternative costume in Triforce Heroes and Breath of the Wild. But this begs the question, do you want to see Fierce Deity return?

Personally, I didn’t like Link having access to such a power house. I prefer to use the weapons at my disposal and beat the boss as the underdog. It would be interesting to find out more about Fierce Deity, but trying to fit this into a convincing storyline could be a challenge.

So, is the return of Fierce Deity desirable? Perhaps the Zelda series should bring out Fierce Deity for special occasions only? Or after nineteen years is Fierce Deity just not relevant anymore? Let us know what you think in the comments below.


This Daily Debate was inspired by Discord User @the mf hero of time

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