Crocheted Deku Scrub

Suni Personally, I’m not a big fan of reddit. I guess one could say I am quite the opposite. I haven’t given it much of a chance I will admit, but I generally find it kind of irritating, especially the stereotypical inhabitants of the threads. However, every once in a while a little gem pops out of the website. This adorable little figure comes from the reddit user and yarn artist Brithus. No specific details were given about the figure other than that it was crocheted. View more pictures by hitting the jump.

DeviantART is usually where we come across these sorts of things, but this is a good reminder that art can be found anywhere. The figure, unfortunately, seems to be the only Zelda-related work by Brethis, but if you are a staunch “redditor”, then you should check out her page.

A multiple angle shot of the figure is pictured below.

 photo 1be78ebe-ac49-4538-8237-566eeb4a9519.jpg

Thanks for reading! And check out the original reddit thread here.

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