Talk of a Legend of Zelda animation will typically get the fan base humming, and with good reason. Often times we get great pieces of promo art or short videos showing how incredible an animated series could be if it was done right. Sometimes it’s comedic, sometimes it’s jaw-droppingly epic, and sometimes it just hits us in that part of our brains that triggers pure nostalgia.

YouTube animator Rusty recently took his animation skills and put together his take on the ever-looming Breath of the Wild 2. Set to an epic music track, his trailer is filled with all the things the community has been dreaming of: the massive iteration of Hyrule, a rehydrated Ganon dueling (or possibly sparring) with Link, and even what appeared to be a nod to Princess Mononoke.

Personally, I really love when fans create things like this. It gets my heart racing and my mind running with the possibilities. I found the inclusion of the Korok in this video quite charming, as that was one of my personal highlights from the original Breath of the Wild. That said, there was a shot of the Master Sword in the forest during this trailer that I wish I could just have as a piece of art on my wall because it’s so iconic.

What did you think of the trailer? Did any moments from it stick out to you? Let us know in the comments below or chat about it over in our Discord!

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