Now that we’ve had a day to soak in Cadence of Hyrule’s gameplay, those of us who have taken the leap and purchased it have an idea of whether not not we are going to like the game overall. So far, the game is being praised in reviews, which is really exciting to hear. But regardless of favorable reviews, there are certain Zelda fans who are still holding back from purchasing out of an understandable dislike for moving along to a beat, while others have bought the game only to find adhering to a rhythm arduous. If you find yourself in either of those two categories, the good news is you have an option to bypass moving along to the tempo and play the game at your own pace.

To disable the rhythm aspect of Cadence of Hyrule, all you need to do is pause the game, press the R button to go to System, and select Options. From the Options menu, select Gameplay and enable “Fixed Beat Mode”. Doing this allows you to ignore the music, as enemies move only when you do, in a fashion similar to Mystery Dungeon games. This mode alters the gameplay to be more tactical, while also maintaining the charm of the standard mode. Even if you enjoy moving along with the beat, this can serve as another fun way to experience the game as well.

Have you been on the fence about buying Cadence of Hyrule? If you are someone who dislikes rhythm games, does this option interest you enough to buy the game? We’re interested to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Source: Polygon


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