BustedTees Song of Storms Shirt

Over at Busted Tees, a brand new Legend of Zelda t-shirt is now up for sale. This one is simply entitled Song of Storms and you can see it pictured to the left. As you can see, it has the notes from the song of storms, along with the phrase Make it Rain. Selling at the price-point of $20, I think this is an alright t-shirt, but not something I’ll be shelling over the money for. These types of shirts are extremely common and if you’ve been following along at the website the last several weeks, we’ve been featuring tons of these. I’ve purchased a handful of Zelda shirts lately and this is probably one I’ll pass up on.

Edit: It appears that this isn’t a new shirt at all. It just got re-featured on the front page of Busted Tees. This was a news tip sent and when I saw it on the front page at Busted Tees, I thought it was new. Sorry folks!

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