Awesome Fan-Made Link Papercraft

1A fan over at reddit has put together a papercraft creation of Link from Ocarina of Time, and it is awesome. The detail in the papercrafts concept image gives you an idea of how hard it would be to build, and this person did a great job.

Check out the final product after the jump!



I love papercrafts, but I know very well how enraging some of the more detailed ones can be. With nothing but scissors, a glue stick and your own wits, it can get rather monotonous. This craft must have driven the builder insane. In the end, though, he or she should be proud of the turn-out. With the images of the long process on the imgur page, you can see the hard work put into the project.

What do you guys think? Would you like to try some tough Zelda papercrafts yourself? Leave a comment!

Source: reddit

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