Author: Emi Curtis

None can deny that the Nintendo 64 era was a renaissance for the Zelda series. Not only were we graced with Ocarina of Time, a game that is still the best of the best to many if my Daily Debate last month is anything to go off of, but also Majora’s Mask for the fans of a darker story. The two released within only two years of one another on a breakneck development schedule for the time. In many ways,…

Look, we all know Link is the Hero of Time, The Hero of the Winds, the Hero of Twilight, etc. He has become such an identifiable character, we kind of forget the player actually names Link at the start of most games in the series and that he can go by all manner of names widely ranging in seriousness. It’s not uncommon to name him Link anyway, or even one’s own name in households with multiple people playing. However, there…

With the new trailer out for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, more and more questions have emerged of what features will grace the new Zelda title. Will there be a return to more involved hands-on storytelling? Will dungeons be returning to the game? Will Ganondorf be the primary villain? As we look at these questions, it’s important to remember why we’re asking these in the first place. Way back in late 1998, a little title called The…

Time truly does just fly sometimes. We are almost a quarter of the way into 2023 already; can you believe it? Spring is coming, and with it the wooden chimes and yahaha’s of the season. I’m of course referring to the art project “March of the Koroks” by the Zelda Creators community. The project is an attempt to create a collage of 900 Koroks all by different artists. The endeavor was originally held last year around this time, and, after…

There are three inevitabilities in life: death, taxes, and that there will always be a Nintendo Direct in February. That has once again proven true as Nintendo has announced a Direct for tomorrow, February 8th. With that of course comes a brand new round of speculation of what lovely morsels of gaming news we’ll be privy to by this time tomorrow. A couple notable games linger on the horizon: Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe, Pikmin 4, and of course…

The life of the code monkey is one of little rest. There is something about holding the key to the software we so rely upon everyday that just makes it so you can’t leave it well alone. Such has been the way with the recent trend of unofficial PC ports of classic games, old titles recreated from the ground up in common coding languages like C++. Zelda Dungeon reported on just such a PC port of A Link to the…

|| Previous Chapter || Next Chapter || Chapter Three Journal Entry #54 Mid-Spring I’m writing this entry… mostly on the off chance things don’t go well. My hand hasn’t really been clearing up. Here’s hoping once whatever these echo things are are gone, it begins to return to normal. Regardless, this journey has been… enlightening I suppose is the best way I can put it. As I am to understand it, these “echoes” as our good friend Skorn calls them…

|| Previous Chapter || Next Chapter || Chapter Two LOG ENTRY 482 DATE: 23RD CYCLE OF DIN WEATHER: SANDY Reached Mirror Chamber. Found Mirror Destroyed. Non-Issue. Auru touched large rock and hand was damaged. Wound treated. Strange children appeared. Name is Skorn. Stupid Name is Noted by Traveling Party. Informed of Echos of Twilight and Echo Tower. Situation Uncertain. Nothing more to Report. ~ Ashei “So… what is it?” asks Luda, daughter of Kakariko shaman, Renado as she sits on…

||  Next Chapter  || Chapter One Journal Entry – 03/27/742, 4th Era of Daphnes It’s easy to forget sometimes that the shadow beasts incident took place over the span of less than a month. It feels like that summer had gone on forever with how much had happened. When I think about Telma’s experience with that amnesiac girl, meeting Link, Ashei’s expedition into Snowpeak, discovering the Ancient Sky Book, and that confrontation at Hyrule Castle, it all feels like those…

Much as I discussed in the discovery of the lost Ocarina of Time beta rom, the final product we see in video games is often only a small part of what was conceptualized. Due to all sorts of things like different project direction, time crunch, and thought evolution, a concept can see all manner of development only to wind up left behind when a game hits store shelves. Oftentimes, we’ll only ever know about these ideas if a developer is…