Zelda-U-CoverZelda Wii U isn’t set to be released for some time now, but it is already available for preorder on Amazon. Could this game be the product of the video teasers from several months ago?

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The game is in a generic Wii U game case with a black cover, reading The Legend of Zelda. It is improbable that that image is the official cover art, as nothing about the game has been revealed yet. It is presently priced at $59.99 USD and allegedly will be received on December 31st, 2015. However, since Amazon is known to use placeholder dates, we can presume that the game will be ready by the 2015 holiday. Give us your thoughts on the matter!

Will you rush and order the peculiar new year’s eve game? Or will you wait until more information is released?

Source: Amazon

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