Zelda Theory Majora’s Darkest Secret

3DS_ZeldaMajora's Mask_1107_10We have shared many different Zelda theories with you over time and some of them have come from the very talented GameOverJesse. One of his latest Zelda theories takes us to the events in Majora’s Mask and tickles our brains with what secrets that dark, looming moon that hangs over Termina could hold. Could Majora never really have intended to destroy Termina but to deliver upon it a fate even more horrible? Why does the inside of the moon look like the way it does? Join GameOverJesse and guest, NintendoBoxYT in pondering these questions and a few more.

Could the moon really just be the manifestation of how Majora is feeling, is that why it looks as if you see another emotion besides anger from its eyes when a tear escapes it? Could the plan really have been to trap and torment the inhabitants of Termina for all time? This definitely seems like a plausible scenario and answers a few questions form me that I still had even after beating the game.

What is your theory? Do you think GameOverJesse’s theory is correct? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: YouTube

Sorted Under: Majora's Mask