Olympic gymnast Elsa García Rodriguez Blancas recently performed to the “Zelda Medley” by Lindsey Sterling with swollen, battered hands. Elsa’s sister, Laura, wrote an article on Kotaku explaining that her sister has had a lifelong passion for video games. She has always loved to create original soundtracks for her routines from films and other forms of media, but she and her sister struggled to find the right fit for her famous floor routine at the London Olympics. Laura played the medley as a last resort and it ended up fitting perfectly! Make the jump to read more about Elsa’s sensational story.

At first Elsa didn’t recognize the tunes, but then the beautiful soundtrack melted into her mind and she liked the concept of the music, making these remarks:

I thought of Link running around through the forest, mountains, caves, and how agile he is, it was funny to think that I was doing something similar but in my own way. I liked what it reminded me of: the whole concept of never giving up on my quest.

She also had this to say about her performance and its reception:

I’m surprised that so many people have recognized the song. It’s a win-win situation. I like the fact that gamers want more people to recognize beautiful game soundtracks and I want more people to get involved in gymnastics.

In case you didn’t watch the video, here it is:

Unfortunately, Elsa could not make it to the final round because of an injury to both hands. She actually performed the routine you see above with bruised and swollen fingers, demonstrating just how courageous she was (kind of like our hero Link). Although she didn’t get the gold, she is humbled by the amount of attention her performance has gotten from the gaming community.

Are you also inspired by Elsa’s story? Do you think the Zelda Medley fit the gymnastics routine well? Feel free to let us know what’s on your mind in the comments below!

Source: Kotaku

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