News recently broke from Nintendo concerning the 3DS eShop for this upcoming season. Among the numerous games both new and old that are being released for the digital download system, there are a couple of Zelda titles we are all familiar with.

Jump inside to see when these games will hit the eShop!

First, we can look forward to seeing Ocarina of Time 3D available for download on October 18th for $39.99. This is for anyone who would like to download the game straight to their 3DS instead of purchasing a physical copy. Other games such as Mario Kart 7 will also be made downloadable at that time.

Beyond that, 3DS owners in North America can finally look forward to seeing Zelda II: The Adventure of Link on the 3DS Virtual Console on November 22nd, finally catching up to Europe and Japan. If you are a 3DS Ambassador and already have Zelda II on your system, you will be able to download an updated version with full Virtual Console features for free at this time.

I personally already own Ocarina of Time for my 3DS, so there’s no point for me to download it, but it is nice to see the option available now. I’m more looking forward to updating my copy of The Adventure of Link; having the Virtual Console’s save state feature should make it a bit easier to finally take out Thunderbird! How about you guys? Will you be downloading either of these? Let us know in the comments!

Source: GenGAME