Once again it’s time for another Zelda Fanart Spotlight and this time we’re showcasing a particular piece of artwork made by deviantART artist, MitsukoUchiha. This artwork consists of our very favorite Demon Lord Ghirahim posing next to his weapon form of the Dark Master Sword. The colors that were chosen to be used in this piece are good ones as they emit the very element that is mentioned in this artwork’s name: darkness. Also the slight highlighting that is used on a few parts of piece help bring one’s eyes towards those areas; one example being the red emblem of the Triforce.

I really like this artwork. As I’m looking at it I can literally hear Ghirahim’s theme being played in the background and I can picture one of his many quoteable remarks being spoken by him in this piece.

What do you guys think? Do you get the same impression? Please let us know in the comments section below.

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