TFH OutfitsOne of the novel aspects of Tri Force Heroes is the variety of outfits that the player can unlock for Link. This week on Zelda Dungeon, we asked staffers to rank their top 5 Tri Force Heroes outfits.

Which of Link’s outfits do you most enjoy using in the game? Which are most fun to use in cooperative play? As always, leave your own lists in the comments.

Jon Lett –

5. Legendary Dress
4. Lucky Loungewear
3. Sword Master Suit
2. Timeless Tunic
1. Rupee Regalia

I love that the Timeless Tunic makes for a change in music and gives Link an awesome look, but functionally, the Rupee Regalia is a lot more effective. you need a LOT of rupees to get all of this game’s costumes, and this outfit will help out a whole lot. That, and if you go online and start cutting some grass, you can offer your partners loads of money as well. It is kind of tough to get the materials for the outfit, but in the end I think it is more than worth it.

Thomas Jacobs –

5. Kokiri Clothes
4. Fierce Deity Armor
3. Tri Suit
2. Legendary Dress
1. Sword Suit

I like how the Kokiri Clothes give Link a nifty version of his traditional outfit, a wilder, more forest-y variant of his regular greens. The Fierce Deity Armor is of course a callback to one of Link’s most powerful and mysterious transformations, making him a force to be reckoned with in both Majora’s Mask and in Tri Force Heroes. My liking of the Tri Suit comes from a personal preference of outfits that become stronger when you wear more pieces of the same kind, even though in this case it means that other Links have to wear the outfit as well. The Legendary Dress is a personal favorite as well, because when’s the last time a gaming hero looks as good as his princess while wearing her outfit? But my favorite has to be the Sword Suit. It looks a lot like Link’s regular outfit, but it’s more refined, classier and fancier than his regular outfit, without being tacky like the Sword Master Suit. I just really like those kinds of outfits: classy, but not overdone.

Kira Koneko –

5. Legendary Dress
4. Kokiri Clothes
3. Rupee Regalia
2. Fierce Deity Armor
1. Sword Suit

Each outfit provides a different look, ability, and in some cases even the music in the background. I have to be honest: I started off trying out the different outfits because of the way they looked first, and because of their usefulness second. After playing for a while, you realize that depending on whether you are playing alone or with friends some outfits might be more useful to you than others. For example, I used the Legendary Dress quite a bit as a solo player along with the Kokiri Clothes. But the Rupee Regalia was most effective as I played for longer and started focusing on getting more outfits! But at the end of the day, the Fierce Deity looked the coolest and I found the Sword Suit the most useful in almost all situations.

Sorted Under: Tri Force Heroes