Screen Shot 2014-08-22 at 2.12.47 PMLegend of Zelda games have the ability to make us laugh, jump for joy, and sometimes even shed tears. In this video, a young girl cries because she has beaten A Link Between Worlds, tearfully saying how she doesn’t want the adventure to be over.This is undoubtedly one of the cutest videos you will ever see, so hit the jump to take a look.



Her father asks, “Are you crying because you’re so happy you saved the world?” She tearfully nods, upset while the credits of A Link Between Worlds continue.

Players all over the world find the Zelda games to be heartbreaking at times; it is amazing how emotionally stirring a video game series can be.

Have you ever had an emotional Zelda experience? Let us know your thoughts below!

Source: YouTube (via Dorkly)

Sorted Under: A Link Between Worlds