Woodsy Zelda fanfare sets the right tone

nintendo-3dsWe are all proud of our Zelda merchandise and maybe even put the time in to make something of our own, whether it be drawing a still of our favorite battle scene, embroidering a Zelda theme on a pillow or making our own Link cosplay outfits. There are some lucky people with fine skills who are able to make some of the best and most coveted pieces of fan material on the internet and one of those glorious creators is at it again!

Hit the jump to see what another Zelda enthusiast put together.

As you can see, not only is there a wood-grain cover for this 3DS, but there is an obvious boss key representation to go along with it. If that weren’t enough, the style of the boss key is clearly designed after those found in the 3DS titles, which I think is a clever and informed choice by the artist.

So, how many of you would like one or both of these pieces? Just for fun, imagine if somebody made something to go with that key, whether it be a jewelry hutch, a chest or something else. You could literally open a door with a boss key from the Zelda franchise. If that seems too far out of reach, maybe we can convince somebody to make key sleeves that are Zelda themed. That way, all of us broke Zelda fans who don’t have the money for custom fanfare can at least pretend like we have a hand-crafted boss key.

Source: Twitter

Sorted Under: A Link Between Worlds