468px-Boss_RushHyrule Warriors did many things that hardcore Zelda fans were not used to, most of which regarding the actual gameplay, but one thing many approved of was taking the original series bosses from The Legend of Zelda, and remaking them into awesome, high-definition creatures. They stayed quite true to their original forms, while feeling very new, and of course, they looked great. Should Nintendo do this with more of their classic Zelda content? If so, what else from the old games other than bosses could be remade/upgraded in a new modern Zelda game?

Join the discussion after the jump!

imagesIt is really no secret that there have been certain types of bosses that reappear in several Zelda titles. Examples include giant dinosaurs, like Dodongos, very large eyeballs, dragons, and of course, the never-ending forms of Gohma. This might mean that bosses actually need to be remade less, as some more innovation would be nice to see. Really, the same is true for monsters. The sheer amount of octoroks, bokoblins, moblins, chu chus, and more is impressive, considering most fans do not seem to take issue with the reused content.

Boomerang_(Spirit_Tracks)Items are not dissimilar. Hookshots, bows, bombs, boomerangs, and plenty of others are constantly remade and reused. That is not to say the experience is always the same, though. Unlike many of the reused monsters, and more like the remade bosses, the developers seem to put much more effort into making the classic items feel fresh each new game. My favorite example is Twilight Princess‘s loadout, where the bow was customizable with bombs and the Hawkeye, bombs themselves had three different types, and the hookshot took what it likely its best form to date with the Double Clawshots. The fact that items are more impressively remade is not surprising, as the player will be using items a lot more than they will be seeing monsters or bosses.

I am not at all against the reuse of classic material, in fact I encourage it. Looking at statistics, games that repeatedly use similar mechanics and gameplay to that of their predecessors are more successful, so I guess I am not the only one who thinks so. I just with that Nintendo would innovate with their creatures, items and whatnot as much as they reuse old material. As great as the age-old octorok is, seeing a cool new creature with a cool new way of fighting it is likely even better, as one example. What do you guys think? Do you support how much Nintendo reuses Zelda material from old titles? Should they do it more? Or less? Leave a comment!