Skyward Sword is a pretty divisive game among Zelda fans; typically fans either love it or hate it. But regardless of the varied opinions on the game, one thing that can be agreed upon is that an HD remake of Skyward Sword for the Switch could be a good idea. In the most recent entry of our Hyrule Compendium series, Gooey and Mases each describe how a potential Skyward Sword HD should take form. They discuss improvements to the motion controls, revisions to boss battles, extra content they believe would be fitting, and more!

I personally agree with a lot of their points. The Song of the Hero quest felt like a drag, and I feel like it could be cut out without losing much. I really like the idea of replacing the final boss battle with The Imprisoned with a very memorable cutscene. To expand on that thought, I think they could make the cutscene full of quick-time events and play out the same conclusion to that battle (with Link being launched onto The Imprisoned’s back). Although, despite minor changes to the game, ultimately I agree with Goo’s thoughts; to make the game tolerable for myself, I’d want so many changes that it’d be more of a reboot than a remake.

What would you like out of a Skyward Sword HD remake? Sound off in the comments below!

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