Fans often forget the impact and importance of The Great Deku Tree in Ocarina of Time. The Deku Tree is the character who sets all the events of the game in motion by sending Navi to Link and encouraging Link to find Zelda after his death. Additionally, the Deku Tree has important backstory that connects to our hero. As the protector of the Kokiri Forest, The Great Deku Tree is responsible for protecting Link; the forest spirit was entrusted with the newborn boy after the death of Link’s mother.

In this Zelda Fan Animation, MajorLink on YouTube revisits the death of The Great Deku Tree. The animator laments the execution of this moment in the original game, asserting that this was the most “tossed aside scene in the series… Links [sic] literal only real guardian dies in front of him”.  MajorLink recreates this moment with beautiful animation, adding deeper meaning to the moment. The new quotes included by MajorLink all add depth to the conversations between Link, Navi, and their dying guardian. It’s a beautiful reminder of the importance of family and mentorship in a person’s life.

Overall, the animation is crisp and very clean. The contrast between light and dark in the video is very fitting for the sequence. It’d be amazing to see Ocarina of Time revisited in high definition with a similar style and lighting. I really enjoyed that MajorLink still used text boxes for character dialogue, as it kept the spirit of the game and its story.

What do you think of this re imagining  of the death of The Great Deku Tree? Let us know in comments below?

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