Two New Comics Featuring Cuccos

In an interesting pair or comics recently posted from GamERCaT and OMOCAT we take a more humorous look at the event from Ocarina of Time where Link had to help the Cucco lady from Kakariko Village. However in both we see that the heroes do not quite get the job done as well as you would expect.

Jump inside to check them out for yourself.


I think it is interesting that two separate comics that came out around the same time had the same subject. I guess the gathering the cuccos part of Ocarina of Time left a bit more of an impact that I originally thought. It was an annoying little miniquest at the time. Between the two I think I liked the OMOCAT one a little more. Those cuccos always beat me each and every time I messed with them in the games, finally got to see them taken down a peg for once.

Source: the GamERCaT and

Sorted Under: Ocarina of Time