Hey Zelda fans and welcome to this next segment of Timeshift Thursday! Usually, these features are set aside to explore different areas in our hallowed series yet today, and in the next few weeks, I’ll be mixing up the content a little. I’d like to use the next couple of weeks or so to focus on some of the Zelda series’ greatest battle scenarios and explore the reasons as to why they gave us such a memorable, emotional, and unforgettable experience. Link truly engages in some fierce combat while on one of his Hyrule-rescuing adventures and I thought it would be a great opportunity to reminisce on some of the most enterprising fights from the series.

Today we will be taking a good look at my favourite boss battle bringing back the epic greatness from my younger years! Being a favourite Zelda title for so many fans by bringing back the childhood memories, Ocarina of Time displayed an epic story revolving around the proper 3D environment of Hyrule and the main characters, Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf. Yet it was the final battle between Link and Ganon which provided that dark atmospheric sensation every Zelda game’s end needs to have!

Would you like to read about Ocarina of Time’s final battle between Link and Ganon? If so, click the jump and keep reading!

To replay a bit of the background as to how Link comes to battling Ganon, it all starts when Link enters Ganon’s Castle, whips Ganondorf’s butt, and claims the castle and Princess Zelda as victory prizes. What more could go wrong? Unfortunately, Ganondorf has still been granted the Triforce of Power and uses the rest of its sacred gifting to tear down the castle attempting to thwart Link and Zelda from surviving the ultimate destruction. Link and Zelda make a gallant effort to escape the castle’s inevitable burning and avoid joining its ruins but, after thinking all is acomplished, Ganon emerges from the rubble being an all-powerful counterpart of Ganondorf. Showcasing two sharply-edged swords, a hideous form, and only a single known weak spot, Ganon is one hefty opponent.

When experiencing this battle between Link and Ganon, the gamer may notice how climatic this duel actually is. Taking place around the ruins of Hyrule’s Castle, and the influence of the choir-like music composition enveloping the atmosphere, never has the importance of a battle been so sacred. Nintendo’s controversial Zelda timeline clearly shows what will happen if Link’s strength fails him and Ganon prevails (although I guess those amazing games wouldn’t exist if Link didn’t die). The state of Hyrule, when you battle Ganon, makes you want to be rid of that villain once and for all and with the help of the hallowed light arrows this can be possible. The battle is still a tough challenge to complete to this day (at least for me) because of the chance of running out of magic for light arrows or having to battle without the Master Sword and not completing the sidequest to gain the Biggoron sword. Then you have the problem of Ganon being able to swing those lengthy swords from a marginally great distance and wiping hearts from your meter; without a sword it’s a lengthy, tough fight!

I found the music accompanying the battle to be the greatest composition work for a boss, in my opinion. It’s amazingly detailed with a choir-like sound protruding through the speakers and reminding Link how dangerous and deadly the battle really is. it also emphasizes the battle’s importance and defines the electrifying atmosphere in which Link is battling in. Take a listen above and be mesmerized!

What are your thoughts on the final battle of Ocarina of Time between Link and Ganon? Are you a fan of the music accompanying the battle? Do you  like the way in which you have to kill Ganon? Please be sure to let me know what you think in the comments below!