The Wind Waker HD story trailer

TWWHDAs the final waves of Wind Waker HD news emerge, Nintendo UK just recently posted the story trailer for the upcoming release set to arrive in just little over a month. Featuring a variety of new HD scenes, it naturally brings forth some nostalgia of the previous Gamecube version’s release ten years ago. Although most of you may already know the Wind Waker story line, here’s the trailer in HD.

Hit the jump to take a look!

For a brief moment we are able to see several new scenes including Jabun, Valoo, and the upper area of Dragon Roost Island in smooth HD. Though we’re more than likely to see several more trailers and commercials within this next month, its pretty exciting getting to have a refreshing reminiscence of the Gamecube version. Do you find it as exciting as it was then as it is now? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Source: YouTube

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