With the plethora of Zelda remixes out there, floating about waiting for listeners, what sets this remix album apart from the rest? Well for one it combines the classic themes with chiptunes, Drum’n’bass, and of course, dubstep. This album, a work by four artists under the single label “GameChops” spans from the very first Legend of Zelda all the way to Nintendo’s recent title, Skyward Sword. It has content to make everyone happy!

Additionally, this album is pay-what-you-want, so if you’re on a budget, you can still afford it! Hit the jump to get to the music!

This 15-track album is actually a collection of EPs, one of which was released last December. Because of the efforts of multiple artists, the album has three distinct flavors of remix: Mykah introduces a tribal and Drum’n’bass edge, jo-Jo is heavy on the synth and drums, and the combination of Dj CUTMAN and Spamtron who have cleaned up the album that was released last December- Bagu and the Riverman.

Like I stated, this album is available on the cheap if your wallet needs a break. However, if you can afford it, I’m sure the artists would appreciate the cash in return for their hard work.

Source: bandcamp (via Destructoid)

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