Screen Shot 2015-09-30 at 10.10.45 PMThe Legend of Zelda series has long since inspired many artists and musicians over the years. Since 1986 the music behind this long standing franchise has motivated many to create spectacular covers of the music heard within the series. The YouTube channel PyjamaPants has one such artist, a singer and music teacher with a passion for video games and music. In her latest video posted on her YouTube channel she takes you through all of her most favorite 2D dungeon themes, in an acapella medley.

Jump on in past the break and check it out.

This was such a soothing compilation of dungeon themes, and pretty original. Im not sure I have seen anyone else do a medley of dungeon themes in this way before. What do you think? Did you like this acapella medley of dungeon themes? Tell us what you think in the comments below.

Source: YouTube

Sorted Under: The Legend of Zelda