To celebrate the Legend of Zelda’s 25th anniversary, Nintendo has been releasing videos showcasing elements of the games that made the series great. Yesterday, we posted a video titled 25 Years of Humor showing some of the funnier cutscenes throughout the years. Today’s video is 25 Years of Power and it shows clips of Link fighting various bosses including Barinade, Malladus, Dark Link, Ghirahim, and many more.

Watching this video reminded me of all the times I fought these bosses. I remember that while a lot of them were pretty challenging, many of them were really easy, but most of them were fun battles. Out of all the bosses shown I would have to say Dark Link is one of my favorites. I love the concept of defeating your enemies by defeating yourself and the battle itself can either be challenging or really easy depending on what method you use.

What about you guys? Does this video take you back to memories of fighting the bosses? Who was your favorite boss? Who was your least favorite boss? Tell us in the comments below!

Source: GoNintendo

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