There’s no doubt that Breath of the Wild‘s open sandbox world of Hyrule has plenty of options for you to goof around. Whether you’re using mods or not, there’s definitely a lot to have fun with. Speaking of mods, there have been plenty of gaming modders and hackers out there doing plenty of very unique things to this specific land of Hyrule. Take for instance Peanut Butter Gamer, who, to celebrate Zelda Month back in November, flipped the recent Zelda title on his head.

In one of his more notable episodes from this past November, PeanutButterGamer performed a set of goofy hacking hijinks in Breath of the Wild. PBG does numerous things to make the game literally and figuratively freeze up in terror. This includes infinitely spawning all manner of enemies, NPC’s, Beast Ganon’s, and so much more. He even goes so far as to go into an insta-kill spree by making items such as the Stasis Rune and Torch one shot-kill anything that moves.

What do you think of this video? Were there any Breath of the Wild hacks that caught you by surprise? Let us know in the comments below!

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