The Danger of Crackers Comic

Zelda comics that people make can really put a game into perspective for you. It’s a trend that I’ve begun to notice in the Zelda community. Fi talks slow? She could talk slower. A part in a game is hard? It could most definitely be harder. Don’t like flying loftwings? Omnithea from Awkward Zombie has taken care of that issue. Sure, flying loftwings can get a little annoying. Sometimes they don’t fly in the direction that you mean for them to go. Other times, the Wiimote becomes out of alignment with the sensor bar and you have to recenter the pointer in order to fly straight (story of my life…). Come to think of it, it would be difficult to complain about flying them if they didn’t catch you to begin with. Isn’t it good that Link’s mouth never dries out? Otherwise, how could he whistle for his loftwing in the first place? Granted, Link doesn’t talk, but he does do an awful lot of running that could parch his mouth. To find out what could happen, check out the comic after the jump.

Being the quick-witted person I am, I had to read it a second time before I understood what happened, but otherwise I think it’s great. It makes me thankful for two things. Firstly, I’m glad that Link is always able to whistle, unless he doesn’t jump off a cliff from a bridge. Second, it makes me glad that the knights around Skyloft can save you when you dive off in the wrong areas. Even if their comments on your suitability to become a knight do get old after the tenth time or so, at least Link doesn’t die because of it… Okay, it’s possible that being thankful for this is a bit of a stretch. It would be faster if the game just took one of your hearts away and set you back on the cliff. Maybe there’ll be a comic out there that teaches a lesson about rescue knights next.

Did you enjoy it? How many times did you have to read it over? (I’m probably one of the few that wouldn’t get it on the first go, but you never know). What else could the comic make Skyward Sword players thankful for? Leave a comment and let us know!

Source: Awkward Zombie

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